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You gotta love what you do...

I remember telling someone a long time ago that I 'jumped out of bed every morning to get to work'. It was in the late Eighties, I was in my mid-twenties and working in a large advertising agency in Wellington. (Those were the days!)

It was the look that he gave me that I have never forgotten. Was it envy? Or disbelief?

Whatever it was, it hammered the point home to me - you gotta love what you do. To really want to be good at something, to want to keep learning and growing as a person and a professional, it really really helps if you love your work. Don't you think?

What is the point of going to work 5 days a week and doing something you hate? It must be soul destroying.

My advertising days are long behind me now - but I had a huge amount of fun, saw a lot of the world and got up to all kinds of mischief. I managed to make a few good ads along the way as well. But I loved every minute of it - and that was key.

I guess I am lucky to be able to say I love my second career too.

Hosting The Hawke's Bay Profit Club with David Trim is a privilege because the feedback we get validates what we do week in, week out. From our three clubs in CHB, Hastings and Napier we get business owners telling us what a difference we are making - and how much being a member means to them.

Thanks guys. It means an awful lot to us to hear your feedback and to see you grow as businesses and as business owners.

We love hosting The Hawke's Bay Profit Club and your support only makes us want to get better and better.

Do you love what you do?

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