Thinking of buying your own business?

Hopefully it will be a dream come true and not a never-ending nightmare!
Too often we come across an owner whose new business venture is crashing down around them. Problems like disappearing customers, price-hiking suppliers and absentee staff will crush a new business owner’s enthusiasm in absolutely no time at all.
So, why does this happen?
Often, it’s because they didn’t do their due diligence properly.
If you are thinking of buying a business soon, you might like to attend our free ‘How to Buy a Business’ seminar at the Havelock North Function Centre at 5:15pm on Monday, November 28th.
Come and meet the people who have seen it all when it comes to buying a business. Rodger Howie from Bayley’s Business Broking along with David Trim and Roger Smith from The Hawke’s Bay Profit Club will guide you through what you need to know if you are in the market to buy.
You will leave this interactive 90-minute session with your own written guide on how to thoroughly interrogate any business that is for sale.
For those that get it right, what’s not to like about being you own boss? You can set your own hours. You can finally do things your own way. You no longer have to bend to someone else’s rules. And, you can pay yourself what you deserve and the profits are yours as well!
So, make sure you live the dream (and not the nightmare) by booking your free seat now!
What: How to Buy a Business Seminar
Where: Havelock North Function Centre
When: Monday 28th November at 5:15pm
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