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It was a packed house for our quarterly 90-Day Planning session at The Chamber

It is always great to see visitors mingling with members at these sessions. Everyone immediately feels welcome and they quickly settle into the rhythm of the meeting. The format is easy to follow and the content is presented in a no-nonsense, easy-to-understand way. That means everyone can take something back to the office that will improve their profitability right away. And everyone gets a 90-Day Plan for their business as well. Some of the comments from people in the room were well worth noting. Debbie said "I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't done my first plan 3 months ago". Phil said "now that is written down I can see what I have to do to get this business up and running". Having a Plan gives you focus. It takes some of the fear out of the unknown and helps you 'eat the elephant' a bite at a time.

But the real magic? That comes from the group setting where we hold each other accountable to our promises. If you work on your own, or lead a business on your own, you know you can give yourself permission to put off those things you don't want to do, or don't like doing, or perhaps don't really know how to do. Those important non-urgent things like 'planning' and 'strategy'. The very things that make you business grow. Sound like you? So, if you would like our help to draft and execute your very own 90-Day Plan you can register your interest here. Go to our Contact page and fill in the form. We will then get back to you before our next session in January to confirm your free visitor spot. Do it now and rest easier over the Xmas/New year break knowing that you are going to start 2022 with bang! And a plan! All the best in business

Roger Smith and David Trim

Hosts: The Hawke's Bay Profit Club

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